Affy Tapple has been helping organizations successfully manage fundraisers to meet their goals for more than 60 years. Here are a few tips to help you in planning and executing a profit-generating fundraiser.
Choose the Right Sales Method
- Buy Affy Tapples direct and then sell them at your event. We recommend this method for sporting events, school assemblies and other high attendance events.
- Distribute our Affy Tapple fundraising form to all of your fundraising team members. Fundraisers take orders and collect the money when orders are placed. When all of the order sheets are returned, add up all the cases you need to order and place your order online!
Set a Fundraising Goal
It is important that you have a goal that everyone in the organization can be charged with meeting or exceeding.
Give Participants an Added Incentive
Giving awards to top fundraisers can give an added incentive for participants to deliver great sales figures.
Offer Product Variety
If you plan to do a Pre-Sale and purchase Affy Tapples directly, we suggest selecting perennial favorites like our classic Peanut Caramel Apples and Plain Caramel Apples. You can combine those with an assortment of confections to offer variety. Also, confections have a much longer shelf life and this can help you extend the length of your fundraiser!
Price it Right
Use our profit calculator to determine the right suggested sales price for each item to maximize your sales opportunity. Our Fundraising Experts can assist if you need recommendations.
Promote your Fundraiser
We recommend promoting your fundraiser in advance on your organization's website and social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). When you promote your fundraiser, tag us @affytapple, so we can share the news. Ask our Fundraising Experts about posters and other promotional materials available to support your fundraiser. Don't forget to download these resources to help you promote your fundraiser:
Be Safe
We always recommend that if you are selling door to door that kids have an adult with them and that no one goes door-to-door without a buddy. Also, don't carry large amounts of money.
Be Prepared for Nutritional Questions
Affy Tapple is a nutritious snack that you can feel good about selling. You may get questions about various allergies; we recommend you review our Nutritional and Allergy Statements in advance of your sale.
Share your Success
Be sure to celebrate your fundraiser's successes with your customers and participants through newsletters, website updates and via social media. Remember to give special recognition to those that helped deliver the highest sales results. We invite you to share your successes with us and we may feature your organization as one of our Fundraising Success Stories.